RDB Bank to make Women of Courage Win in Life

Events, News
  • 5000 women entrepreneurs will be empowered on March 8th and equally Empowering 25000 women entrepreneurs throughout the year
  • Cash prizes and foreign tours for Winners under “RDB Woman Entrepreneur of Courage Competition-2018”
  • Savings vouchers for Liya saviya account holders under ‘Adara Amma’ programme
  • An Umbrella for Rs.10,000/- deposit
  • Many more events to empower RDB Liya saviya women

A Woman passes the several stages of the journey of her life as a daughter, a young girl, a woman, a mother and a grandmother. Furthermore, she is rich with limitless strength to bear joys, sorrows and tears with equanimity. The living symbol of the most hallowed motherhood representing all those qualities is woman. At this moment of time when the International Women’s Day – 2018 is celebrated through the theme “Paths to Prosperity Disclose that She is Strong,” the following is noted to on its behalf.

As a Bank working with strengthening women entrepreneurs its main objective, the RDB Bank is providing its services for women entrepreneurs of courage through many spheres. Furthermore, several programmes have been launched to mark this year’s International Women’s Day.

RDB Woman Entrepreneur of Courage Competition

Arrangements have been made to launch this programme on 8th March 2018 with the objective of valuing the Woman Entrepreneurs of the Nation at national level and hold it annually continuously. The projects of women entrepreneurs whose business enterprises are funded by the Regional Development Bank are considered for this competition and women of courage have the opportunity of participating in this programme active throughout the year 2018. Furthermore, plans have been made to evaluate these projects at Branch, District, Provincial and National Levels and arrangements have been made to reward the winners with overseas tours and cash awards.

Women Entrepreneurs of Courage expecting to enter the RDB Woman Entrepreneur of Courage Competition can obtain application forms and instructions from their closest RDB Bank Branch.

Branch-level Programmes

Special programmes activated with the objective of encouraging the Women Entrepreneurs of Courage at branch-level island-wide are, training programmes to develop knowledge, attitudes and skills, selecting the three RDB Liya Saviya Account Holders maintaining the highest value of savings of every branch and felicitating them, presenting “RDB Kekulu” Savings Vouchers under the “Aadara Amma” Programme and cash prizes as a felicitation of sacred motherhood and many more.

The RDB Bank is inviting the Women Entrepreneurs of Courage of the Nation to join these programmes and participate in the RDB Woman Entrepreneur of Courage Competition and get more prizes and foreign tours.