RDB New Chairman Mr. Susantha Silva assumes duties


Mr. Susantha Silva started his duties on 21.02.2023 as the seventh chairman of the Regional Development Bank, the Premier State-owned Development Bank in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Susantha Silva held key positions in the reputed organizations including the position of Managing Director of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation. He has 40 years local and foreign experiences in various fields. Addressing the RDB staff, he said that we will start from this moment to continue the services of the Regional Development Bank to overcome the existing challenges and contribute to the development of the country. Also he said, he will dedicate his service to enhance the bank’s image by providing satisfactory service to customers together with the staff of RDB.”

The ceremony organized to welcome the New Chairman is held at RDB Head Office Kelaniya with the participation of Mr. Sumedha Edirisuriya, Acting General Manager/ CEO, Management , staff and all representatives of trade unions.